Thursday 12 September 2013

Art in Limerick

 These horses are placed outside of the Hunt Museum and I just love how colourful they are. They are bigger than I thought up close. I made my friend stand beside them and she's not that short but they are still three heads taller then her. 

Graffiti like this is found in a few places around Limerick. If I heard correctly the graffiti artists got together and worked on a project and spray painted boring walls. This is just one of the walls I saw I forgot to take a picture of the other one I saw.

Wednesday 31 July 2013

Mixing stencils

I used three stencils :P

Cat Eye Stencil

Once I have more time I will add a smiling mouth with teeth :P 

:D skull stencil

Rose Stencil :D

:P Decorating our Tent

My friend, Nathan, and me are going to a concert soon and my mum told us to mark our tent as it's a tesco one and I'm sure many people could have the same one. So, me and  Nathan decided to make some stencils and spray paint parts of the tent. 

This is the tent we are going to spray paint 

Friday 26 April 2013


I took this picture of the cherry blossom a few days ago outside of college. I thought the tree looked very pretty so I took this picture :)

The picture of the ice was taken during winter.