Sunday 30 September 2012

Today i have been trying out something new. I drew a fast rough picture of a portrait with pencil. I then used acrylics to paint it, but i didn't use any black and only colours. I found this hard as i have never done this before and i normaly always use black when i paint. In this portrait it wasn't about making it look good but experimenting with the differen't use of colours. :) It sure was fun to try out something new :)

This week i've been kinda sick so i haven't done much drawings. :) But i did do more research and i took many close up photos of things i could find in my garden and in my house. I took close up of differen't coloured things to show the textures that different objects can have. Once they are printed off i will stick them into my sketchbook. I found two more artists who's work interest me, and those are Victoria Frances (who makes gothic pictures) and Michael Shapcott (who does portraits). :) Hopefully i will get more stuff done next week. :)

Wednesday 26 September 2012

This week i have been working on 3D objects. On monday i made a little man out of clay, although he isn't finished yet. I am also working on making glasses out of cardboard and putting in coloured plastic as the lenses. i will then try to wear them for the day and see if the colour of the lenses will affect my mood throughout the day.

Sunday 23 September 2012

:) hello, this weekend i have been mostly resaerching artists such as Dan Flavin, Anish Kapoor, Yun Woo Choi, Do Ho Suh, James Turrell and Zaha Hadid. I have been looking at the shapes and colours their art pieces had. I also, for the first time ever, used acrylics today. I painted three pictures in which it was mostly about the primary colours and how they can effect a room. For example a blue room may seem colder than a yelleow room even though the rooms are the same temperature. :)

Thursday 20 September 2012

Hello, this is my first blog. :P Anyway this week i have been doing a few brainstorms to give me ideas and i have been drawing a few pictures trying out different't materials on paper. I have been only working on 2D work so far but i will try out 3D work in the future. For now i have been looking into the theme colour and how it can change a space. Here are a few pictures which i have been doing throughout the week :)