Saturday 22 December 2012

Christmas holiday project!

First of all I would like to wish everyone a Merry Christmas. :) During the holidays I didn't just want to sit around and do nothing as my assessments are held a day after we get back from our break. Apart from still working on my contextual notebook I am also trying to do a stop motion related to my project. I will have two sets. One which will be a kitchen and the other a garden. I just finished the kitchen and my schedule got a bit delayed because...I broke my camera and I just got one today from a friend. There are still many things I have to do for it till I can properly start the stop motion but I am looking forward to the outcome. Even if it wont be great I will still have the documentation of the work I did.

This is the little kitchen I made for the stop motion

Tuesday 11 December 2012

My Studio Wall

Hello once again Semester one is nearly over and the Christmas holidays will start next week. :) I cant wait :) I'm so excited. :) Anyway, I am now working on my final piece which will be a stop motion. For now I am designing a mini garden and kitchen for the it.

Here is a picture of how my studio wall looks at the moment :

On my wall are some Spray paints and Monoprints.

Wednesday 5 December 2012

Colour layers of monoprint

I did these two monoprints on Tuesday in which I tried to layer two colours over each other to see what would happen. I noticed using the darker colour first is more effective than using the lighter colour first. 

Personally I prefer the pink and yellow one. 

Spray painting Stencils

Today I wanted to experiment using spray paint, as I have never used it before. I quite enjoyed it :P it's a bit smelly though. First I made three stencils based from the picture of the shell and I made two stencils based of a photograph of a close-up of a hat. 

Here are the stencil after they have been used:

:) And here are the pieces I made using those stencils:

The first two were made on cardboard.