Saturday 2 March 2013

Animation Elective

All the electives are now over and during the next week we will pick the one we want to do for the rest of the year and the following three years. I am sure that I will pick Animation as my first choice and Print as my second choice.

I had a lot of fun during the two weeks of trying out Animation but I will be honest and say that technology sometimes drove me crazy, especially when I got a glitch. In the last week of animation I learned how to colour in the figures,which I drew and then scanned, in Photoshop. I learned how to make them move on Flash and I put everything together on Premiere pro. I have never used any of those programmes before and I surprised myself that in such a short amount of time I learned how to use them.

I was going to send a video of my animation but for some reason it's not uploading. I might post it some other time

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