Monday 14 January 2013

A New Semester

Hello again!! The first semester is already over and a new one has just started today. I'm so happy all the stress over the assessments is finally over and now I will be able to concentrate on just one subject for the next two weeks, which is print. Today was a demonstration day about the things we will be doing during print in the next two weeks. The theme we got is 'Urban' and we already got homework on Friday to have ten pictures which we hung up on our walls today. In the following two weeks we will be looking at Monorprint and Drypoint which are both print processes. I am familiar with monoprints but not drypiont, which is when you scratch into acetate. I'm looking forward to the next two weeks of print. 

Here are some pictures I took last weekend which I hung up in my studio wall: 

I think these pictures are related to the theme 'urban' as these are places in the city where teenagers hang out at. Before college, my friends and me used to also spend our time at these places and sometimes still do: So the things I am focusing at is not graffiti, but more about the run down places where teenagers meet. 

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