Monday 28 January 2013

2nd Elective- Ceramics

The first elective, which was print is now over and the new elective began today. In ceramics today we were shown different works by different artists and ceramic methods. We started off with mark making today using ink. Tomorrow we will start using clay. Some of the works were from famous artists or former students of  LSAD. (Limerick of Schoo Artl and Design)

The skull pieces were made by a famous artist called Richard Notkin whom I personally find amazing as his pieces are so small but very detailed.

The giant baby hand and the chicken were made by former students.

This one was made by Cormac Boydell.

These nine pieces were made by our tutor Kieran Whitelaw who won an award with them last year.

In the following pictures we see our tutors doing some demonstrations.

Here we see the method called coiling. This is where layers of clay are constantly being built up to create a form.

 During the demonstration we roughly learned about coiling, pinching, slab building which I will yet have to try out.

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