Sunday 21 October 2012

Ceramics Demonstration

On thursday I went to the first years ceramic building to see a bit of the ceramics demonstration. There, Marcus O'Mahony, demonstrated some of his works. He is part of many different ceramic groups which are not only located in ireland. O'Mahony's studio is in County Waterford where his work is mainly done on the wheel. It was an interesting demonstration as I don't know much about ceramics. He mentions that ceramics is about the materials, the making and the firing and not just the making, which is why he himself loves pottery. I learned that the clay used in pottery making can be very important. Marcus O'Mahony gets inspired by looking at other objects and architecture, but mostly pottery. I learned that there are many different types of clay such as the very textured clay that O'mahony likes to use which looks redish but after being fired turns black. Very hot temperatures when firing can even turn the redish clay into a metallic looking one. The reason for that is that the clay is naturally high in iron content but the salt draws the iron out. Another thing I learned at the demonstration was making one pottery piece out of two pieces and then putting them together on the wheel. The top part is made first on the wheel and then the lower part. They are measured out to make sure they will fit on top of each other. From being at the demonstration even for just around one hour I have learned many new things which I never knew about. It was worth it going to O'Mahony's ceramics demonstration.

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