Monday 26 November 2012

Abstract 3D work based on photographs

This was created using paper straws and binding them together using cable ties. They were then glued together with the glue-gun creates the shape seen in the top picture. I spraypainted them blue as there is a blue background in the photograph.

 This is a close-up of it

I also did the same thing in this picture but I left it white to make it look more like the washing-up brush in the photograh of which it was based of.

This was made out of paper mache around a blown-balloon. Around four layers of paper are enough. I then left it to dry for two days and then popped the balloon. I made the glue myself, out of flour and water. This is a much cheaper method than buying glue and it is also more environmently friendly. The photograph of which it is based of is a close-up picture of a plant. I made the spikes using barbeque sticks which I sticked into the form. I used the glue-gun in some places to secure the sticks and makes sure they wont fall out. I used watercolour to colour the sticks. The only difference between the two is that in the top picture I used coloured paper and in the other one I didn't.


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