Monday 26 November 2012

Trying out Monoprints and my new sketchbook

Two weeks ago I made a few black and white Monoprints during the Print Workshop. I based all the things I did on two Photographs which I took. One is a close-up of a hat an the other a shell. One is man-made and the other one is organic. Hopefully I will be able to put up the photographs in my next post as I will be basing my new sketchbook on these.

These are the Monoprints I created during the printing workshop. I did each of them in slightly different ways:

The following pictures are part of my new sketchbook but the monoprints will also go into that sketchbook.

This was made using magazines and  wool thread which was glued together using PVA glue.


Barbeque sticks and wool thread was used and glued together with PVA glue

Wire was used in this


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